Friday, July 30, 2021

Portland--Days 1 and 2

We are in Portland, Oregon on vacation. Very exciting. I set this up months ago. I was so ready to be done with Covid so I bought everything and prepped everything for this. Here's us on the plane.

I thought the plane would be great. Ruby's older. There were TVs on the plane and they give you free earbuds. There were kid movies and games. It seemed perfect but Ruby wasn't so good. She scream/cried for like 15 minutes. No one said anything but I could feel the hate. She was just tired. Oh well.

We landed in Portland and went to the car rental place and there was some sort of error and we were there for over an hour trying to figure it out. Finally, I just had to book it again and hope the other company would refund my original reservation (they did!). Maggie slept for a long time while we were there. She's definitely a teen. Who else could sleep on a mini-couch. . . in public. . . in the middle of the day???
After that, we immediately got food. Maggie was GRUMPY after her mini-nap.

After that, I think we just went home and chilled. The next morning, we got up early and got going. We drove to Mt. Hood to see Tamanwas Water Fall. The ride was gorgeous.

The hike was about 1.7 miles out and then back out. 1.7 miles out was the waterfall. It was not horrible. Ruby did amazing. Maggie. . . not so much. It was a lot of drama. At one point, we were in this huge rocky area and we got off path but didn't realize and then suddenly, we were several feet ABOVE the path. We had to climb down and it was scary. Not for me but I was with a five year old and Maggie, you know. What else? We saw several dogs, one tried to bite Ruby but missed. Well, I jerked her back and the owner grabbed his dog and very little contact was made. We all got roughed up. Cuts and bruises and Maggie refused to wear socks so blisters for her.

I think this is the rocky area. I don't remember anyone taking pictures though. Maggie took most of the pictures.
The waterfall!

After we finally got back out, we stopped at the first food place we could find. It was beautiful and the food was great. Perfect!

Maggie's french toast. 

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