Monday, May 18, 2009

Labor and Delivery Pt. 1

Ah, labor. Since I want this to be a site for my memories of Maggie it seems fitting to start with her birth. My water broke early Sunday morning. However it didn't come in one huge gush of water so I didn't actually realize it had broken. I thought I had peed my pants (or panties as it were). So I got up and went to work. On the way to work I remembered reading in "What to Expect. . ." that sometimes it happens like that. When I got to work I told my aide, Lynette, about it. She told me that was exactly what had happened to her and I needed to go home. Then I called Laurie and she said it was possible but probably not but I could come up there and she would check it out for me. I decided to err on the side of caution and at about 9:30-10:00am I left work, promising everyone I'd be right back, no big deal.

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