Monday, May 18, 2009

Labor and Delivery Pt. 2

By the time I got to Laurie's work, I was actually embarrassed. I kept thinking I was one of those women that freaks out through their whole pregnancy and shows up at the ER every hour or two certain they are in labor. But Laurie was sweet about it. She gave me a little strip of litmus paper and told me to get some of the liquid on it. So I did and it turned bright blue. I took the paper back out to Laurie who looked at it and said, "I'll be damned. Your water did break." It was quite shocking. Betty, our midwife, had told us many times, once your water breaks you should go into labor within 72 hours. Which meant I was having a baby, like actually really bringing a new person into this world starting sometime in the next 3 days.

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