Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Labor and Delivery Pt. 6

The car ride was interesting. Although I hadn't been sick at the house, Richard had to pull over so I could throw up on the side of the road. So, yeah, that wasn't fun. When we got there Betty had already been there because another couple had just been sent home because she wasn't far enough in labor. So that just fueled my fears. If you are not at least 4 cm dialated, Betty sends you home. I was very scared about being sent home. So she put me up on the table and warns me that changing positions causes contractions. Very true. Then she did the pelvic and told us I was only 3 cm! But I guess out of the kindness of her heart she let us stay.

Richard and I had taken our birthing class with Betty and her big thing about early labor was to take something, like Tylenol PM, so you can try to sleep through early labor and save your energy for the hard stuff. So she gave me a shot of something and blissfully, I slept from about 7am until about noon or 1pm. I did wake up to hear the other mother come back and have her baby in about 30 minutes (seriously, it was crazy fast). And that made her and I the 5th set of mothers ever to labor/deliver at the same time there. Thank God I got the room with the tub. Well, I would have gotten it anyway, the other lady wasn't interested in/afraid of a tub birth.

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