Monday, May 25, 2009

Maggie's Here!!!

After she was born, Betty immediately put her on my chest, although at first I didn't even realize it. She also put a towel over her so everyone was asking,"Carrie, what is it?" I didn't even look, I knew it was a girl. From the start, Richard and I had known. I just said it's a girl. Can you imagine if I'd been wrong?

I don't really remember any of this, which really stinks. But at least I had these moments. I remember her turning purple because I had the water so cold. Sorry, Maggie. I remember Richard and Laurie being so happy and Richard telling me how much he loved me and thanking me for bringing our baby into the world.

She is so beautiful. Right from the beginning she was the most beautiful baby ever. She had a strong grip and bright blue eyes.
 This is the cord cutting. I remember this. She didn't breathe on her own for a couple of minutes which doesn't matter as long as the cord is still attached. So we rubbed her body to encourage breathing and warm her up. She went from dark purple to a much more healthy pink. Then while I held her, Betty protected her skin and let Richard cut the cord. As soon as it was cut they took her out of the tub and swaddled her to let her warm up. I had to stay in the tub for much less fun things.

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