Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Maggie came home early today. Her Dad had court (as a lawyer :)) and she was here by 8 am. We went and rested for about an hour when she first got here but she couldn't sleep. So we got up and went through our morning routine.

Around 10.30 or so we went to a park play date. The weather was so much nicer today. It was warm with a breeze. Perfect.

Maggie made friends with a little girl named Lila (lee-la). There were a few disputes but mostly they played quite nicely.

After that we ran a few errands and by that point Mags was exhausted and getting grumpy. We went home and she laid down for a little while.

We went over to Grandpa and Grandmo's house for a bit before dinner. Aunt Laurie and Ella were there too. At first Maggie was very grumpy and wouldn't play. But after a while, she was willing. She picked up a tambourine and decided it was her Captain America shield. Isn't that cute and creative? We did have to have a bit of a talk about throwing it at people. In her defense, that IS what Captain America does. ;)

When we got home, I finished dinner and did laundry while she tortured Greenlee. At one one point she told Greenlee, Get real, man! Where does she come up with this stuff?

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