Thursday, June 5, 2014

Are you on fire?

Our Aunt Carolyn died a couple of weeks ago. She was 81. Laurie, Jeff, Mom, and I all went to the funeral. It was nice and I'm glad we got to go.
Sometime during the drive I was telling everyone about this joke I saw by Aziz Ansari (paraphrased): I always get freaked out when people call me. I'm like, are you on fire? Then text that sh!t.

So that weekend, Maggie and I went and got our family pictures. We had Val do them. I don't have all of them yet but the few I've seen are amazing. Anyway, after we were done, I figured we'd go get breakfast and I thought maybe Laurie and Ella could meet us. I was already driving so I called Laurie but she didn't answer. However, about 15 minutes later I got a text reading: Are you on fire?

She had her yearly well check with Dr. Arca. They wanted a urine sample but it was a no go. Who needs a urine sample for a perfectly healthy 5 year old! She's still tiny. She weighs 36 pounds (10th percentile) and is 43.5 inches tall (38th percentile).

When Dr. Arca was listening to her heart, Maggie said, Excuse me, Doctor? May I listen to my heart? So sweet.

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