Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I always do that sometimes!

Last week while we were driving home, Maggie had her window down. I went to put it up (I never tell her when because she thinks it's funny to hit the down button while I press the up button) and she got a finger stuck. I put it back down and she yelled at me, I always do that sometimes!

She also decided that she should have a code for when she needs to poop or throw up. For future reference, it's "making waffles."

Saturday, we went out to Jan's house for the day. Oh it was so much fun. We saw all the animals. We saw their new camper. We went swimming and laid/sat around on their new deck. We had fresh strudel. It was fabulous. At one point, while we were in the pool, Maggie was trying to catch a butterfly and when she couldn't, she turned to me and said, I guess it wasn't my lucky day.

After leaving Jan's, I took her to her Dad's house. She was sad to see me go and told me, I love you mommy. Drive well. :)

That night I kept Ella. We had pizza for dinner and laughed and joked and she told me about cheating when playing with Maggie and fibbing to her mommy. She also told me it was the best day of her life. Score!

We were talking about Frozen and I told her that there are real castles made of ice in Iceland. She said, well I don't think my mommy would want to take me so how about you take me? How about Friday?

These pictures are from the park last week. She's sad because the roly-poly she brought to the park the day before wasn't where she left it. Also, how do you like that outfit?

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