Sunday, June 29, 2014

Houston Vacation, part 1

Michelle had to go on a business trip to Houston and didn't want to be apart from her kiddos so she asked us to come along. Road trip! We had a great time. We stayed in a 2 bedroom suite in Kemah, just south of Houston.

Here's Maggie playing with phone. She was Mayor Maggie.

"I'm busy, Mom!"
We had a huge breakfast and sat at a cool table.

Maggie sat in the third row of seats. She made a huge mess but she was so freaking good.
We went to the Kemah boardwalk and got ride passes. We went on the Ferris Wheel.

We went on the carousel.

As you can see, I took 5 billion pictures. So this will be in 2 parts. :)

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