Monday, June 30, 2014

Houston Vacation, part 2

Kemah Boardwalk, continued. I took the girls on this Tilt o' Wheel thing. It was intense. Maggie went back and forth between laughing and cheering and saying, make it stop. Belle was quiet mostly but would look at me with fear and I would try to be extra excited. They did quite well.

 Next up was a train ride. So nice. We were so hot and it provided a nice breeze.

 Sweaty mama and girlie.
 A full shot of that Tilt o' Wheel ride.

 They had a tunnel of something. It was supposed to be scary. I guess it freak Mags out a little.

 We went on this one too. It was quite fun.

 This was a box that went way up high and slowly spun around. We got a great view.

 A little mini-Ferris Wheel.

This is after dinner. It's the girls second time on this thing. I was sure someone would get sick, but no one did.

 A little thing that goes a little ways up and then drops a little and back and forth. They rode this about 15 times.

 This guy was awesome. He lit stuff on fire and juggled and balanced. It was awesome. I felt bad we didn't have any cash to give him.

 This is on the way home. We stopped at a McD's to eat, play, and go to the potty. Maggie used her robe as a raincoat.

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