Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Two little stories

Maggie's been trying to say little sayings that she hears me (or other adults) say and they often come out a bit jumbled. One she's been saying is: least but not last.

While we were having dinner, I let the kitties go outside. When it was time for bath, I asked Maggie to help me find the cats so we could close the back door. She said that Greenlea was outside. I said, go ahead and herd her on in. Then I popped my head out to see that Maggie was hitting her. I said, stop why are you hitting Greenlea? She said, that's the only way I know how to hurt her.

Poor Greenlea. :( Maggie stopped and I explained the difference between hurt and herd. She then herded Greenlea in and pet her and loved on her for a while.

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