Tuesday, December 17, 2019

You serious, Clark?


My back woke me up twice in the night spasming. Why?!? I'm doing everything right. I'm going to all the people. I'm warming up, walking, and stretching. So, stop it.

I also have a fever. I don't actually feel so bad, just body aches, but come on! The PT place called me and said they had an opening if I wanted to come today so I did.

This time she decided to focus on my IT band. It was funny (except not) I feel like one side is markedly tighter so she started on that side. And it hurt but the other side was insane. I'm not sure why I don't feel it.

I got the girls after that. We watched Christmas Vacation. Ruby didn't really get it, but it's one of me and Maggie's favorites.

Ruby had a hard time falling asleep. She just kept coughing. I finally gave her some ibuprofen and that seemed to do the trick.

Maggie and I read Harry Potter after Ruby went to bed.


Ruby tried to take her clock apart to figure out how to get the green light to come on. Not cool. I was up off and on all night. Body aches and man that IT band area hurts. I don't know what else to do besides keep on doing what I'm doing.

Maggie did not want to go to school today. There was a very small chance for a snow day and she was so disappointed it didn't come through.

We had another boring evening. The girls watched Home Alone 2. Ruby was so sad when she had to go to bed. She wanted to finish the movie. I don't think she feels good. Poor girl.

She did wake up at 10:30 and said she was hungry. I got her a granola bar and told her to go back to sleep. Maggie fell asleep early too. I still have a bit of a fever.


Ruby slept the rest of the way through the night. Woohoo!!!

I picked the girls up early from the school. The plan was to go visit Santa and then go to the movies. But everything took considerably longer than planned so we just saw Santa. Maggie decided she didn't want to sit with Santa this year. It's the end of an era.
When we got home I let them watch Home Alone 3, which was awful. I mean, duh, but really, really awful. I gave Ruby extra allergy meds at bedtime. That cough is awful.

Maggie and I hung out the rest of the evening. She's mostly given up on begging to continue watching tv or other screens.


Ruby slept great. When she started banging to tell me her light was green, I was seriously dead to the world. Hooray for good sleep!!!

I don't remember what we did Thursday night so probably not much.


I woke up with swollen tonsils and Maggie told me her throat hurt so I let her stay home from school. Ruby went. Maggie seemed like she felt fine by like 10 am. She's never sick!

Friday night we watched the new Grinch movie and ate BBQ. Maggie and Ruby played together and it was so awesome. They laughed and were sweet and it made me so happy. Ruby asked Maggie to put her to bed and came and told me, you can't come in. Ha! Fine by me.


Ruby was up and down several times. I was so tired. I slept and then I went to work and then I came home and slept more. Then we took Spot on a walk. Ruby insisted she wasn't going to make it. I had to give her a piggyback ride. It was weird. After that we went to the library.

Then Ruby passed out on me. She has a bit of a fever. Poor kid. I finally just put her to bed.
Puddles got a Christmas box from the foster group. She got a new bed and she hasn't gotten off of it. She's so beautiful. She also got a toy and some treats and a harness and leash.


Ruby is better. Well, her fever is better. She is pooping liquid. I'm going to have her bathe in hand sanitizer. We didn't do much. What can you do when one is pooping liquid?

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