Thursday, August 29, 2024

Almost September

 Maggie bought some key chains

Maggie is a mentor for the lower Web Design students this year. She has a group and she named it Goldfish and she drew this fish!
We went to see Nana while she was laid up.
Gwen's prom. Mamaw made that dress. 
Double birthday party! How crazy is that Gwen and I are 7 years, 3 days apart and my kids are 7 years, 1 day apart?!?
Early Gwen Christmas getting a King Kong doll
That's me and Honey Bear. Maybe she thought I was in her way. . . 
Amanda at her previous job. . . at a big cat rescue!!! Now, she works with horses.
Another goldfish drawing
What a work place

Smiley got adopted!
They renamed her Arrow

Christmas. Gwen sent us all these old pictures.

Ruby wrote me this note: You are the best mom in the world! I love you so much. Everyone wants you to be their mom. You did a good job making Honey not fat. 

What an endorsement!
Honey is OBSESSED with eating apples. We always give her what's left so, if you have one, she will follow you and stare and drool at you until you give it to her. 
Maggie and I did cat bingo again. We won so many times I was embarrassed to say bingo. We shoulda bought a lotto ticket. Oh yeah, there was a kitten!
Ruby's friend Oliver's birthday party. I had completely forgotten. My friend Tina was taking Ruby and she had forgotten too. She called me and said, Oliver's party is today! So we got ready super quick and all was well. Oliver has been in Ruby's class every year they've been in school. 

That's Ruby, Oliver, and Connor.
Me at my sleep study. 
Ruby's new class
She took a baby picture for Show and Tell
Look at his furry, curly footsies!!!

Oh yeah! That's New Dog. She's so good. She had never seen cats before and her mind was blown. I had to teach her to leave them alone and now she only sniffs them. She rarely barks, doesn't get into anything, and she's huge. I really like her. Maybe I'll keep her and take a break from fostering. She doesn't seem super smart. It took her a shockingly long time to figure out the dog door. Also, I have a little pedal thing so I can pedal any time I'm sitting during sessions (I stand for half and pedal for the other half; it's a lot of sitting or standing still). So, she was laying where her head was getting hit by the pedal and I thought well she'll move and she did, but it took an insane amount of getting hit by the pedal IN THE HEAD!!!
Those are her baby pictures.

Gwen thinks she looks Tom Petty in this picture.
Gwen says that's at Jeff's duplex in College Station and I had just burned her with some comment. I don't remember. 

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