Monday, August 5, 2024


 I had so much fun going to see a non-kids' movie with Maggie that I got a membership so we can go regularly. They do so many cool events. They've rereleased Studio Ghibli movies, which both the girls love. They are rereleasing a bunch of movies from 1984, which is soooooo exciting! And Rear Window!

Maggie and I went and saw Trap, the new M. Night Shamaylan movie. It was a good movie. The only problem is you spend the entire movie looking for the twist and there's no way to win. It was very fun and exciting. 

Then yesterday all three of us went to see Ponyo. Ruby was still a mess. She sat, mostly quietly, for maybe an hour. I think I'll make the rule that she has to sit still and quiet (mostly) for the first hour and then I'll just let her play on my phone. It's cheaper than a babysitter. 

I feel like her medicine makes her so much crazier when it wears off. She's bouncing off the walls and super emotional. It's a lot. 

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