Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today Maggie started ballet. The first class of the semester was last week (I didn't realize classes started so early). The teacher had allowed the parents to observe the first class but none after that. :(  So if you want to know how Maggie's ballet's class was. . . well, so do I.

She seemed very excited when she left. She had made friends with a few girls, which she talked about a lot. Other than that, she wouldn't tell anyone about class. I'll assume it went well.

After class we went to McDonald's. We were supposed to go to a snow ball fight with our fellow homeschool co-opers. Maggie ate a little but mostly played with the other kids. There were 5 five families there and they each had one girl 2-4 playing. It was perfect. Maggie was bossing everyone around.

When we got home it was reading time. We haven't done reading in a while due to the holidays and having the flu last week. So I was planning on taking it really slow but Maggie did awesome. Seriously she did all her sounds and words with no problem. Then at the end she sounded out a three letter word completely on her own with no help or example. I am so proud of her.

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