Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catching up

We had our second tumbling class. Maggie loves it. She is so excited to go and to be there. It's awesome. She did try to cheat again and got caught this time. :)

We stayed with Laurie, Jeff and Ella Friday night so I could be with Ella Saturday (Mom worked and Dad had a cooking competition in Houston). The girls had so much fun together. They still fight a lot but Maggie really wants to play with Ella. Maggie started waking up before the sun had come up Saturday morning insisting Ella was up and calling for her.

Friday during the day we went to the library. I told Maggie she could check out 10 books. I tried to explain to her that we could look up books by subject but she just wanted to randomly get books. So she went to one area and grabbed 10 random books. It's an interesting mix.

I went ahead and checked out The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe because we need a new chapter book. I started reading it and Maggie immediately said she didn't like it and was sure it was going to be scary. I don't remember them being scary so I'll probably try once more before letting it go and getting different books.

When Maggie was 18 months or so I bought her this adorable purple corduroy skirt. It is a size 2T. It was too big for her the first year we tried, also the second, ditto the third. And now she can finally wear the skirt without it falling off. Victory!

Below is a conversation I had with Maggie:

M: Patrick (from Spongebob) says you have to put up your pinkie to be a lady. But that's now how you be a cool lady.

Mom: How do you be a cool lady?

M: You wear a cool suit.

Mom: What's a cool suit look like?

M: A rockstar shirt.

Monday evening we were driving home and Maggie asked me to play the Sherry song. I went through the CD and asked is this it, is this it but no luck. Finally I asked her to sing it but she just said, I talked to Sherry; I talked to Sherry. I don't know how I figured it out but she was talking about "I Shot the Sheriff." Awesome.

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