Wednesday, January 23, 2013


What a day it's already been. When my boss was pulling out to head to work this morning, she hit my car. Zoinks! Then Maggie refused to put on her ballet shoes and go to ballet, which I was shocked by. I hope this was a glitch and she hasn't decided she hates ballet. We'll see.

Maggie decided she wanted to change into her ballet clothes. So she came up to me and started stripping while I got her tights ready. Suddenly she realized Jeremiah (Jake's Dad) was in the room and she got very embarrassed and shy. She asked him to go away so she could change. It was the first time she has ever cared about someone seeing her naked. I told her that was fine but in the future, she can't strip in the living room unless she's ok with people seeing her naked. Huh, that sounds bad.

She's really hit a roadblock on the reading. Instead of sounding out words with no breaks between the sounds, she's started saying, "C. . . aaa. . . t." Then she can't hear the word. She was getting really frustrated so I just stopped. I'm not sure where to go from here.

She's so scared of being wrong or not perfect. I try really hard to praise working hard and being brave (willing to try) rather than any end result. I hate the idea of her not wanting to experiment and work on new things because she doesn't want to make a mistake.

Also I thought of another thing to remember. Maggie loves to pull her underwear and panties as high as they'll go. She'll pull them way up over her belly button.

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