Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Absolute silence


Ruby did not sleep in. In point of fact, she was up BEFORE the green light. But since it was only a few minutes early, I didn't beat her.

I knew the plan was to have an easy, calm evening. This week has been bananas. I picked up the girls after school and we came home. Oh my goodness, Maggie and I just sat here for 15 minutes trying to remember what we did last night. It's Saturday!

Anyway, we watched Ice Age and ate dinner and talked to Nana on Facetime. Ruby went to bed a few minutes early. Maggie played her computer game and I read. Then we went to bed early.


Ruby woke up a few minutes early. I ignored her until her light turned green. When I went in, she told me a wolf was in her window. Maybe one of the cats was outside her window? I don't know. We came out and played for a while. Then I drank coffee while she watched Rio. I put together a soup to cook in the crockpot all day. I had to work for a little over an hour and Miss Arlene came.

They went to their Dad's house for the night. God, sometimes I feel guilty how good it feels to be in absolute silence once they leave. I usually only read because I love the quiet.

Maggie keeps stealing my clothes. I'll take something off (usually a top or a coat) and it's gone. Then suddenly she's wearing it all the time and refusing to give it back.

The girls got back a little after 3 pm. Maggie had a birthday party at 4 pm. I had her make a card for the little girl.

The party was at a pizza/game place. We ate and then played every game and then had the machine count up our tickets and then picked out a prize. I was sure all of this had taken roughly three hours, but, upon checking my watch, it was less than 45 minutes.
It was fun. Maggie's teacher from last year, Mrs. Hicks, was there with her daughter. A good time was had by all.

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