Monday, November 11, 2019

Awesome weekend!


Puddles started barking at 6:20 am and then Ruby started crying from her room. She kept crying and yelling for me so I finally went and checked on her. The emergency? She broke her stupid, plastic wand.
Puddles gets so sad when I leave. She sticks her fat head out of the cat door and cries.

I let Ruby stay up and we watched a Sesame Street. She kept telling me she didn't want to go to school today. I told her she had to go today and we have a super fun weekend planned.

I got the girls at 4 pm because Gran was coming over. I'd invited Gran and Nana but Nana went out of town. We went to Pancho's for dinner and then came back home for a movie. We watched Nanny McPhee Returns. I didn't pay much attention. We had a great time.


Ruby didn't knock until after her green light came on, which was great. We got up and let the dogs out. Then I made coffee and turned on Sesame Street. Around 9 am we left to go to the stadium so I could run stairs. We got over there and the gates were locked! But there were tons of people inside. Mostly drummer practicing but I couldn't find any open gates. I was not happy.

We came home and I lost all motivation. So after a few minutes I made myself get up and go outside. Ruby insisted on coming with me and I just ran sprints on the big hill in our neighborhood. She got bored and wanted to go home so I took her home and came back and finished. When I was done, Ruby and I took the dogs on a walk. Maggie was awake but she didn't want to go.

After that, we all took a bath and got ready. Ruby and I had some soup. Then we left for Six Flags.

We've become friends with Angie and she invited us to go to Six Flags with them. Her company rented out the entire park for their people and it was great. No lines anywhere. It was busy but not insane. We had a great time.

Ruby loved the rides. We went on every single ride she was able to go on. Maggie was more afraid of the rides and she took a while to enjoy them. Eventually I had to pry her off the swings. We got funnel cake and it was fantastic. Sweets tend to disappoint me these days but not the funnel cake. It was perfect.

After that we got dinner. I felt like we needed a meal but then I barely wanted to eat. The girls ate well though. Ruby was so sleepy. She asked if she could sleep in the restaurant.


Ruby slept well and didn't yell until her clock turned green. We got up and had a slow morning: coffee and Sesame Street. Then we walked the dogs and exercised and took a bath.

We went to church. Maggie has decided she likes the baby room because she likes animal crackers. Hmmmm. . . .

After church, Gran met up with us. We were going to go to a Greek festival. We got out there and it was all at one church and there must have been 900 million people, give or take. So instead we went to look for somewhere to eat at the Montgomery Plaza. We went to Gloria's and it was pretty good.

Afterward, Maggie begged to get frozen yogurt. Bleh. Of course they ate less than half of what they got.

Ha! I just noticed all three of us are doing side eye. A trifecta!

We had so much fun. It's been a great weekend. Absolutely perfect, beautiful weather. Fun times with great people.

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