Friday, November 8, 2019

Cats are the worst


Ruby went to bed a little early on Sunday but, unfortunately, she also woke up early. Super early. Luckily, she was pretty good. I could tell she was confused by the light and thinking something was wrong. Once she got up, I explained it will be brighter in the mornings but she still has to wait for her clock.

We're no longer on a no-TV thing but I'm trying to greatly restrict so it's not just on ALL THE TIME. I told Maggie she can have one hour of screen time on weekdays. TV and computer count so only one hour total. Ruby doesn't care about screen time so she doesn't have any time.

Maggie decided to do her screen time while Ruby was awake so Ruby and I played games. Well, played is a strong word. I would say we played with games but not so much play the game. We put the pegs in various places on Battleship but she doesn't understand the whole concept of the game. She just likes to play, which is fine.

Ruby told me today that she gets in trouble a lot at school. She said, you get checkmarks after your name and if you get checkmarks you don't get a treat. I asked her what she gets checkmarks for and it was usually an inability to be quiet. Poor kid! She's four. Of course she can't be quiet. She said she got lots of checkmarks and didn't get a treat. She also did an impression of someone at her school saying, get over here right now! Ugh. I should say she tells me these things in the happiest way. She laughs and smiles. I'm not sure if it bothers her or not.

After Ruby went to bed, Maggie decided to organize/clean out her binder again. She also drew a cover for the yearbook to enter in a contest. We read a chapter in Harry Potter and Maggie was desperate to keep reading but I was done. I was so tired.

Ruby seems like she doesn't feel good or she's having trouble adjusting to the time change. Just a lot of crying and fighting and seeming so tired.

I had to work late so I didn't get the girls until after 6 pm. Then home to do dinner and all that jazz. Ruby had a hard time going to sleep. She just seems so overtired. But she already goes to bed so early. Why can't she sleep in a little and stay up a little later?

Maggie and I continued reading Harry Potter. She was desperate to read more but it's one chapter a night. The chapters are so long, I'm practically horse after one.

We discovered a dead baby bird in the garage. Cats are the worst.

Grandpa got the girls from school today. I work late Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Bummer.
They went to McDonald's for dinner and play.

I put Ruby to bed and it was time for Maggie to get off the computer. She immediately started reading her book. She told me all about it and then just read. I offered to read Harry Potter, but she never stopped reading. Guess she likes that one.


Ruby was so hungry tonight. She kept asking for more and more food.

Maggie and I talked to Nana tonight. She is going out of town for a week so it was nice to be able to talk for a while.

Maggie and I read a chapter in Harry Potter tonight. She read the rest of the evening from her own book.

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