Monday, November 25, 2019

Slow weekend


Not a great day for sleep, but it was a little better. However, while I was working, I got an alert on my phone from my bank about suspicious activity. I checked and someone had hacked my Walmart account and bought several big ticket items. Thank goodness my bank noticed. I was able to get everything canceled.

Then! my new oven showed up. My old oven broke forever ago and I just started using a crockpot. The stove still worked and I just kept putting it off. Finally, the guy came out about a month ago and figured out what needed replacing. Then I found out my oven is so old, they don't make that part anymore. So, AHS paid for a new oven. They came on Friday. But! It turns out the old oven was so old that it was hardwired into the. . . wall (?). Something. Basically it wasn't plugged in and there's no outlet back there. An electrician will have to come unwire the old oven and put in an outlet. I wonder how long that will take? I have an oven in my house that half way works and a brand new one in my garage. Ah, the joys of home ownership. 

Maggie left to go stay the weekend with Nana and Gran. She has missed them and wanted to go. 


Ruby slept much better. We had a slow morning, nothing exciting. We ran errands later. We went and got Maggie's new glasses. Ruby was devastated she couldn't wear them. Then we went to the library. We had fun and got a bunch of books.

Ruby has been bad lately about running out into the street and parking lots. I keep grabbing her and getting on to her but she's so stubborn and impulsive. 

Later that night, Ruby told me, you are my best friend forever. Then she had us put our heads together and say it to each other. Oh right, that's why she's the best. 


Another good night of sleep and a slow morning. We just kinda hung around. Ruby kept crying over nothing, making me worry she was sick but I don't think so. We played in the backyard and talked to our neighbor for a while. They have a sweet little baby, Zola.

Maggie came home. We watched Disney movies and hung out, pretty much all day. I don't think we did anything else. 

After Ruby went to bed, Maggie and I watched Avengers: Endgame. It was pretty good. 

This is our tree in the front yard. It's so beautiful! Red and orange with a little purple. Little Ruby is in the last two pictures, up against the tree.

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