Thursday, June 6, 2024

Dumb kids

Ruby's in camp every other week this summer. This is her first week and she really likes it. They keep them running and busy and playing all day so she's pretty tired when she comes home. On Tuesday, she came home without her towel, her sunscreen, and her water bottle. On Wednesday, she was able to find the towel and the water bottle but not the sunscreen. 

I've been giving Maggie more chores and more responsibility and, as long as I threaten (and follow through with) taking away her screens if she doesn't do it, she's gotten really good at it. The other day, she was doing dishes and started complaining that Ruby wasn't picking up after herself and making her job harder. I guess my look of utter shock came across, because Maggie laughed and said oh yeah, I guess I do that to you. And the heavens opened and light shined!!! I have noticed that she is better about cleaning up after herself as she goes about her day. 

Maggie got a couple of C's on her 5th 6 weeks report card. I went to her and asked her what was up and did she need a tutor or something. She told she didn't have time to do all the work. I said, oh I can help you with that and I locked up all her screens for two hours every afternoon. And, what do you know, the next report card, the lowest grade was an 89, I believe.

I'm teasing about Maggie but she really is doing great. I put an expectation on her and she usually gets mad at me and blows it off once. Then I follow through and that's it. She doesn't complain or have to be reminded over and over. She just gets it done. She's becoming an adult. She drives and I can depend on her and she's just. . . so great. She's such a great kid!

The other day Ruby accidentally slammed my finger in a door and, holy crap, it hurt. I can't believe how much it hurt. I screamed like someone was trying to kill me. Poor Ruby just kept saying I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. When I could, I told her I knew it was an accident. I'm sure my screaming and crying scared the hell out of her. 

That's Maggie's first birthday party.

She looks like Ralphie in his bunny costume in A Christmas Story.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this is a birthday party for a teenage Laurie.
Laurie at Danny's house with his dog, Patches
Danny making Laurie eggs. Memory is a funny thing; this picture brings back this memory so clearly. I remember he asked her if she wanted 1 or 2 eggs and Laurie said 4 and we all laughed. 

Sorry Laurie
Beasley looks like she's about to bite his face off and she was not a dog to mess with
This. . . who can say. We were dumb kids.

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