Friday, June 7, 2024

Old pictures, current information

I found these pictures in my draft folder. So, basically, the pictures are from last summer/early fall but the writing is from now. 

My sleep has gotten bad again. Last week, I had three episodes. Once I woke up at my window, but I was seeing a barn door that I was trying to get locked. Another time I saw someone in my room and woke myself up crying because I was scared. The third night I was going to fight somebody. I had left my broom by the garage door and I grabbed it as a weapon as I ran to my living room. 

I did even more research into sleep stuff. I was reading about sleepwalking and I thought maybe I was just doing that and didn't have REM Behavior Disorder. With RBD, you're acting out your dreams all night, sometimes leading you out of your bed. But I don't think I do that. I only get up. Plus, RBD is quite rare and even more rare in women. However, it turns out RBD is a brain glitch. Whenever you are in REM, your brain is supposed to basically paralyze you, and, with RBD, that isn't happening for some reason. While I do always get up, I also move a lot in my sleep. It looks to me like fidgeting and adjusting but I still shouldn't be moving that much.

Further, with sleepwalking, if a sleepwalker is woken up, they are confused and disoriented and don't know what's happening. They usually don't even remember getting up, let alone why they got up. With RBD, you usually wake up, and, as soon as you wake up, you know exactly what you're doing and the dream that went along with your actions. That's me. I'm never confused, just annoyed. 

I'm going to see a sleep specialist and do a sleep study but everything I've read says there are only two solutions: environmental changes and/or Klonopin. I am absolutely not taking a benzo. Which means, probably, my best option is to make my room safe and maybe put a lock on my door to hopefully wake me up (I didn't actually open my window, I wasn't even seeing my window). RBD also tends to get worse as you age. It's often ignored for years until it can't be ignored anymore. 

I found these pictures in my draft. That's Ashley and Smiley. 
That's Fat Girl, before the diet worked.
Wow, she really was ginormous. She went from almost 70 pounds to 45 pounds last week at the vet. 
Me and Tina and Kris took our kids to the movies often through last summer. 
Stupid Lily Hulk-smashed through my fence.
That's stupid Lily.
Ruby's fancy new hair style
Hmmmm. . . I think I was trying to french braid. 
What a handsome guy.

I only had one pair of earrings. Ruby stole them and made them fancier. She cut off the dangly part of the fan that you pull to turn it off and on. She broke the post from the rest and used nail polish to glue everything together and make it all red. So, now I have no earrings.

Oh! That's Maggie going to her first day of high school!!!

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