Sunday, June 23, 2024

Keeping on. . .

Sleep! I tried the gummies Laurie wanted me to try to help my sleep issues and they appear to make things worse. Last night, I was up at 12:15, 12:51, 1:02, 1:16, 1:29, 1:51, 2:15, 2:34, and 2:47. They do seem to affect my memory of getting up. I'm aware I've been awake but I can't watch the video back and remember exactly what I was doing. 

I found a few articles on RBD and the link to Parkinson's and they are not great. First, it's not just Parkinson's. It's five neurodegenerative disorders. On average, core motor and cognitive symptoms of one of the disorders show up 8 years after RBD starts. In one of the articles it said people with RBD usually have their eyes closed and I don't, so maybe it is something else. 

The paper said it's possible there are people who have RBD and do not go on to develop one of those five disorders, but there's not enough research to know for sure. There's no known cases of people with RBD who don't develop one of the disorders, but it's possible some people have RBD and never report it or get help for it and also never develop a neurodegenerative disorder. Of course, I also saw that ALL parasomnias are linked to neurodegenerative disorders, so which one I have may be moot. But I haven't done any research into that (like maybe some are more linked than others). 

I've done a little research and early symptoms of PD include the sleep stuff, tremors, and olfactory dysfunction. My hands have shaken since high school. I remember all my friends saw Saving Private Ryan and they made fun of me because my hands shook like someone from that movie. It's definitely worse now (I struggle sometimes with make-up) but I don't know if that's ONLY a PD thing. I always assumed it was maybe low blood sugar or something. But I think maybe it used to come and go and that's not the case anymore. I don't know. I don't think I smell well but I think I've always been that way. I only know that because I know I don't taste things like other people do. Everything tastes fine to me and I can't discriminate between flavors. And I've read if you don't taste well, it's actually a sign of not smelling well. 

Ruby told me she is immune from anything. She said if someone tried to shoot her, it would just bounce off her and she'd be fine if a bomb dropped. I asked her to please not test that theory. 

I remember Dad kept taking my picture at graduation. When he finally stopped, a teacher I'd had for World History in 9th grade and Government in 12th grade, Mr. Hammonds, leaned over and asked me for my autograph. 

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