Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Awesome day!!!

We did so much today. We started off normally; we got ready, had breakfast and watched part of a movie. Then we made Spring-themed eggs. Basically, I cut egg shapes out of construction paper (I used the zig zag scissors to make them a little more fun). At first we were making the pictures with her fingerprints but that didn't go over so well, so we painted everything else with paintbrushes. We made a butterfly, flowers and a bunny. On the last egg, she just painted it various colors. And then we hung them up.

Oh, that's another thing. I've been wanting a way to sort of display her art work for a while and then give it away or throw it away or save it. So I took a long piece of yarn and tied it to the end posts of a curtain rod and added clothespins to hang her pictures with. I honestly don't think it could have been easier. The little pictures were wanting to fold up so I put another clothespin on the bottom to weigh them down and now it looks perfect.

Then we went outside and drew big colored circles and played a game. Basically, you can only jump in one color to get to the other side (I did 4 colors). Super fun; even Nana played with us for a little while. In the future, I could do this with shapes, numbers letters, sight words, word families, addition or subtraction problems. It's so fun, it doesn't feel like learning at all.

Then she took a nap but for the first time (since she's been in a big girl bed), I didn't stay with her. I told her she was going to nap by herself and I would come get her when her nap was over. I also told her that if she came out before I came for her, she would lose a star off her behavior chart (which she's doing great on; she lost one for saying stupid, I think). And she did it. She started hollering a little early but I went and got her anyway.

Then we went on a long Maggie-led walk. Every time we got to an intersection I asked her which way she wanted to go and we went that way. Then she asked to go to the park so we walked there. But almost the second we got there, it turned kinda cold so we had to walk home.

I tried to have her do some independent play time but it didn't really work out. She wasn't interested in doing anything by herself and she mostly just got into trouble. So maybe I'll put together some things for her. I don't know.

Then we got on her tricycle but, holy cow, after trying and struggling a bit for about 10 minutes, she flipped out. I made her stay on for a few minutes while I steered and pushed (but made her keep her feet on the pedals). I guess we'll have to work on that for a while.

Since she was sooo upset from that (she wanted me to push her in the stroller and I said no, she could trike, walk or play but she wasn't riding), we came back in and read several stories.

Last thing, we played with play dough and stencil type things. They are letters that you push into the play dough and it makes the letter. Very cute and she identified all her letters, most without me even asking (she would say ok I want the M and find it; for a few she even identified a word that started with that letter).

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