Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 29, 2012

We had quite a day. We went to visit Memaw, which was awesome. Memaw and Aunt Susie had bought a huge container of little doll toys and a doll house for the girls and Maggie loved it. Ella liked it too but not like Maggie did. I had to tell Maggie several times to share with her cousin and be nice. She's getting better with Ella but I think it's really hard for her to be around younger kids. All her friends are older and tend to baby her a little. She's gotten a lot better about social situations but we're definitely still learning.

Ella found this little garden hose thing and was playing with it. Then Maggie got it and started using it as a microphone. It was so cute listening to her. Laurie heard her say something about America and Korea and I heard her talk about the Princess of Korea. I have no idea where she got that from.

After a few minutes, she asked me to take the microphone. So I started talking and eventually started asking her questions. I asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up and she said fairy. She said she doesn't want babies, puppies, kitties or any other type of animal. She does want to be a mommy to dolls though. :)

We went to Aunt Susie's work after that to have dinner. Maggie had a blast. Aunt Susie let her take a tour of the restaurant, including going to her office in the back. Maggie was quite excited about that.

We also went to Michael's to buy a bunch of craft supplies. I am so excited to expand our crafting options. Maggie loves crafts so I know she's going to be quite happy with so many new things to make.

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