Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 2012

Today is Maggie's half birthday, making her 3 1/2 years old. HOW did that happen??? She was just born, just learning to crawl, to walk and talk. And now she's a big girl. Uh. . .

Anyway, today was a great day. She stayed with Uncle Jeff and her cousin Ella for a few hours this morning while I took my school's entrance exam. Uncle Jeff reported they had a good time but they had some "sharing issues" which were "civilly resolved." In addition, they had some discussions about looking at Uncle Jeff when Uncle Jeff is talking (vs. looking at the TV). Oh Maggie. She's really pushing boundaries lately. I guess it's all part of growing up.

After I came and got her, we went back to take a nap. She went down really easily; after all she'd kept me up ALL night. She was wide awake all in the early morning. It was no fun at all. I kept telling her to go back to sleep but it was a no go.

Tonight we had a carpet picnic (with a sheet on the floor) and watched Empire Strikes Back. It's been quite fun.

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