Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012

Some cute stories: Maggie and I were taking a walk yesterday and there were some paw prints in mud, so I asked her what animal she thought made those. She squatted down and looked at them, looked at me and declared, "Kangaroos." Second guess: bears. So stinking cute.

We went to this awesome indoor park today to visit Miss Lynette and her new baby, Eric. We were going to go to the zoo but alas, it was raining. This place was a great alternative (but kinda expensive-$12). Anyway, Maggie played in the ball pit forever. She loved it. She went down the slide into the ball pit. She climbed, she jumped, she had a blast. She also jumped on the trampoline, which I was surprised by because she's never really liked that before; I think it scares her. But she jumped alone for a long time. And jumped hard; she would jump high and just drop down on her rear over and over.

She tried mini golf but didn't really understand and wasn't quite coordinated enough to pull the whole thing off so she didn't stay with it long. She played with doll houses and trains and things and a ton of other kids. This one little boy was enamored with her. He kept staring and coming up to her but not saying anything. It was precious. When he left, he just kept looking back at the her all the way out the door.

She also rode this weird zebra thing. It was an electric zebra that was shaped exactly like a zebra and she sat on its back and rode around the trail. I have never seen anything like it but she loved it. They also had a giraffe and an elephant.

She rode the train too. The lady running the train had a microphone and was talking the whole ride and occasionally she would ask various kids to make animal sounds. I didn't think Maggie would do it (she usually clams up around people she doesn't know) but she was making all the sounds. And when she was getting off, the lady asked her what was her favorite part. She answered the running, which ok, kinda nonsensical but an answer. Then she took the microphone and just started talking. I had to take it away and give it back to get her to go back to the ball pit. Ham!

She was also really sweet to Eric. She didn't pay too much attention but when she did, she touched him gently and was quiet. It was sweet. Lynette asked her if she wanted a brother or sister and she said, No. Ha!

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