Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Addams

We got up around 7. I changed our wake up time. I love getting up early (other than the actual waking up part) but it's leaving me too tired. I changed Ruby's diaper around 4 am and she was so sad. 

Once we were up, we headed downstairs. I got Ruby all the way in a onsie and it wouldn't zip. She's growing! After I got her in a bigger one, I exercised while she did tummy time. I then ran a load of laundry and we settled in for our nurse and nap. 

Maggie eventually came downstairs and worked through her morning list. I had her brush her own hair and just went back over it after. I also had her empty the dryer, bring the clean clothes into the living room, and put away Ruby's diapers. 

When Ruby woke up, we went upstairs to get ready for the day. I had Maggie help make the bed and put away her clean clothes. Then we went back downstairs. I cleaned my boots (they got a bit muddy during our hike yesterday), cooked breakfast, and cleaned the kitchen. We read another African tale during breakfast. 

After breakfast we worked on getting together library books and movies. Then headed to the library. Maggie got some books and movies and we left for art class. Ruby slept in the moby while Maggie was in class. 

After art we came home and started school work. Then Grandmo arrived. 

We had a great visit that ended too soon. :)

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