Thursday, October 17, 2019

Big Birthday Party

I caught Ruby's stomach bug. It's so awful and I'm so sad about it.

Luckily, it started on Sunday, because Saturday was the big birthday party for all four girls. It was great. Val came and took tons and tons of pictures. 

Laurie had someone make the girls matching t-shirts with their ages on them. They each got a cupcake to blow out candles and have everyone sing happy birthday.

At the end of the night, it was all of our siblings: Alan, Gwen, Laurie, Bobby, and me. We had so much fun.

This morning while driving the girls to school, we had a who's on first moment. The song You oughta know by Alanis Morrissette came on and Ruby asked the name. When I told her, Maggie asked why. I said, why what? She said, why should she know? Then Ruby said, I don't know. I said, no that's the actual name of the song: You Oughta Know. Ruby again told me, but I don't know. I said, listen to the words, she's saying you oughta know. Then they got it.

So. Tuesday, I was so sick. It's been awful. Stomach bug, cramps, fever! Ridiculous. Laurie suggested going to the doctor. I'm always shocked when she suggests that, I guess, because it never occurs to me. I mean doctors can rarely do anything. Plus, I have a full-time, always available doctor: Laurie.

I needed to go the grocery store to get ginger ale and crackers because I hadn't eaten anything in so long and I don't have anything like that in the house. I drove to the store and realized I didn't have my wallet. Came home, got my wallet, went back. I picked up both girls and Maggie was a big help. I just told her, I'm so sick, I really need your help.

When we got home, I ordered a pizza for them. I then drank a few sips of the ginger ale. About 20 minutes later, I jumped to my feet, then grabbed my stomach, and collapsed to the floor, screaming. My poor children freaked out. Maggie kept saying, should I call Aunt Laurie? (see, she knows who the expert is). Ruby kept saying, are you scared about your Dad? (I don't know what that means, but I'm guessing a little girl doesn't have a lot of context for her mother screaming in pain.)

Anyway, it's been awful but appears to be getting better. Also, my kids ate the entire large pizza. Wow. That's a lot of pizza.

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