Tuesday, October 15, 2019


This past week:

Saturday, Maggie has her friends birthday party at Laurie and Jeff's house.

Sunday, AFTER CHURCH (we like to spread our germs and lice around), Ruby has a fever and tells me there are rocks in her ear that are hurting her. Maggie lays in my lap and I noticed bites on her neck. On closer inspection, I see lice. I run to Walgreen's and buy treatment, come home, and treat all three of us.

Monday, Maggie stays home and I comb her hair again. Wash EVERYTHING. Vacuum EVERTHING.

Tuesday, Maggie goes back to school. Wash EVERYTHING. Vacuum EVERYTHING. Maggie's family birthday dinner.

Wednesday, wash EVERYTHING. Vacuum EVERYTHING. Ruby's birthday dinner. Treat Maggie's hair again.

Thursday, I'm not feeling so great. What could it be? Wash EVERYTHING. Vacuum EVERYTHING. While combing Maggie's hair that night, find more bugs. Cry.

Friday, I definitely have a stupid sinus infection. My face hurts. My mouth hurts. My teeth hurt. Decide to try a different, non-chemical treatment for lice using Cetaphil face wash. It takes hours. I have to put an entire bottle in her hair and then blow dry her hair. This takes a long ass time. You can image how stoic Maggie was during this. Wash EVERYTHING. Vacuum EVERYTHING.

But, on the bright side, Ruby and I have not gotten lice!!! The cetaphil thing seems to work very well and is cheaper and less likely to cause cancer.

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