Saturday, October 19, 2019

Laurie's exuberance with a full-on face plant

So, lice. It turns out pretty much the worst thing you can do for lice is get those chemical treatments. Most lice are immune to them and, once you've used it, you'll then create super lice. So you have to find an organic killing method.

Cetaphil is great, but it takes hours. So, another mother whose kids also have lice told me about this comb. It's a nit comb but if anything touches two of the tines, it zaps it. This kills the bugs but it does nothing for the nits. Apparently nothing kills the nits. You just have to wait for the bugs to be born and then kill them. The main trick is to continuously treat until there are no more nits at all, which the whole cycle is two weeks, and one cannot skip a single day. So if, for instance, one had a horrible stomach bug and could barely move, one would have to start over.

Grandpa and Joanne took the girls to a Fall Festival and it was quite cute. Ruby rode two ponies. Maggie got lost but did everything right. We reviewed her safety rules (who to ask for help, made sure she still had my phone number memorized, and, if someone grabs her, scream and fight like hell).

 The donkey hee hawed right by Ruby and, I hear, her reaction was quite cute.

Ruby had no clothes for fall (because she can't wear anything from last year) so we went to the resale shop. I got her six pairs of pants, two Halloween shirts, a costume, a pair of boots, another pair of shoes, and new socks for $45! Woohoo!!!!

In brighter news, Ruby seems like she's gotten so much older. We went to a restaurant on a whim after church and it wasn't awful. She didn't run off. She didn't scream. I always tell my children that the whole restaurant is doing a standing ovation when we leave, but I don't think anyone even noticed us. Other than all the illness, I just feel so much more like a human who can do things. I might even take her to the grocery store. Maybe.

I just got all the pictures from the big birthday party and I have three thoughts.

One, Val is so amazing. The pictures are just stunning.

Two, I love our girls so much. She just captures them so well.

Three, are we not the most blessed family ever? All of us? We're just so lucky to have each other.

I got a bike. I've wanted one forever, but thought, I can't afford a bike, they're too expensive. Then, like a bolt of lightening, I thought, I can buy a used bike. Genius! So Mark helped me go pick one out and I LOVE IT! It's used but it is in pristine condition. As I can afford it, I want to add a rack for my car so we can go cool places to ride and a rack for the bike so I can use it for running errands.
Maggie has asked multiple times to go on a bike ride with me. The first time we couldn't go because she refused to wear closed-toe shoes. I told her she probably wouldn't enjoy losing a toe or two so no. Then she tried on all her shoes that night and decided she could deal with one pair. So! She asked me if we could go on a ride the next day. I picked her up and not Ruby so we could go. We get home and she refuses to wear a helmet. Oi vey! I told her she also enjoys having her brains stay inside her head so no, we cannot go if she is not wearing a helmet. So far we have not gotten to go on a ride together but I'm hoping eventually that will be a reality.

I had lunch with Maggie. She's a sweet lunch date.
Jill had her birthday party. It was sooooo fun. Maggie ended up not feeling well and was quite weepy at the end but Ruby had a great time.

 Best picture ever! Laurie's exuberance with a full-on face plant. . . I mean, it just doesn't get better.

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