Thursday, October 3, 2019


I really love this dog. She's so beautiful.

I think this was Father's Day/June birthdays.

This is me trying to hide from my kids. Unsuccessful.

Five minutes it was quiet! I suddenly thought, oh shit, it's quiet and I'm relaxed. That's lipstick, friends. I bribed Maggie with something to bathe her while I cleaned the chair.
She's really into pretend play. I hear her quietly talking to her babies and toys.

When ET hides among the toys. . .
Oh, she's so sad about something.

So! I got up one morning and went to feed the dogs and noticed blood on the back porch. Then I saw a bird or what was left of it. I went outside and noticed just a little ways away on the porch a baby bird. I can't believe my evil cats didn't murder it too. So I put it in a bowl with some towels. Thank goodness, there is a bird sanctuary an hour or so away. I grabbed Ruby and we drove birdy out there. They said she was completely unharmed. But, according to Mark, she will probably be the next Dexter.
You know actually this is our second bird emergency. The first time: It was a Sunday morning and Ruby and I were hanging out in the living room. She left the room and then came and grabbed my hand and said she had to show me something. Thankfully, I actually went. My bathroom has a big vanity and then a door with the toilet and shower in it's own little room. In there were feathers. Everywhere. And then I saw a bird. I ran. Then I thought, if it's not dead yet, it will be soon. Did I mention it was surrounded by my evil cats? So I went back and kicked the cats out and shut the door. Then I called everyone I know but no one was awake. Laurie was highly unsympathetic. I tried to open the window but I couldn't get my screen out. I then begged (some might say hysterically) my Dad to come help. It turns out to get the screen out you have been both inside and outside, which will be super helpful in a fire. Anyway, we got it out and the bird flew away. So, two out of three birds survived my cats, and that ain't bad.

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