Wednesday, October 2, 2019

May, maybe

Mother's Day
Swimming with her Dad (not the dog)
Apparently Ruby loves this little dog and holds her all the time. I'm sure this little dog is thrilled.

Me and Laurie and the big girls went to a Harry Potter event. The museum had tons of activities for a couple of hours followed with the first movie. We went to dinner first. The whole thing was great. The movie was really long and not as good as the book. The girls made wands.

Mother's Day

Is Ruby naked at Laurie's house?

Grandmo came for a visit. Jilli!

Puddles wouldn't leave a spot on her leg alone so we tried this. But with her being blind if just felt mean. I kept finding her stuck up against a wall. I don't remember how I got her to leave it alone but clearly I did.

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