Monday, October 14, 2019

Way less awful

Maggie had to stay home on Thursday because she was burning up with fever. I think she got my sinus infection because when I picked her up from school on Wednesday she told me she had been dizzy all day and her head hurt.

Grandmo came into town on Wednesday. We picked her up from the airport then met Jeff, Ella, and Jill for dinner. The babies were way less awful than usual. So, yea! Everyone was starving so we devoured chips and then had to get six to-go boxes. Ha! After dinner, we dropped Grandmo off at her hotel and drove home.

When we got home I put Ruby to bed. As soon as she laid down she started coughing. Ugh!!! I came out and Maggie was bright red and like flushed or splotchy looking. I felt her and she was burning up. I gave her an ibuprofen and put her to bed. She immediately fell asleep. I knew she wouldn't be going to school the next day.

She was much better by morning. I let Ruby stay home cos why not. Grandpa is going out of town so he stopped by to see the girls. Ruby has woken up coughing the past two nights so I was super sleepy.

I decided to do the second treatment for Maggie's lice on Thursday instead of Friday so she could go back to school on Friday. There were definitely nits in her hair and I saw at least one actual bug. WTF???? Lice are the worst. Lice is the worst? Is lice plural? I think so. I mean the bug was killed by the treatment and there are supposed to be three treatments but. . .

Friday, everyone was grumpy in the morning. Because they didn't go to school on Thursday, they were offended by having to go on Friday.

I was so worried because Friday night we would be going to the second Harry Potter event and I was scared Maggie would be awful. But! When I picked her up that afternoon she was completely fine. Woohoo!

Ruby stayed home with Miss Arlene and Maggie and I drove to Laurie's house and then the four of us drove to the museum. We didn't get dinner this time and decided to just eat popcorn and candy for dinner so we could do all the activities, which we did!

First we saw gross animals. That snake crawled up her sleeve multiple times. No, thanks!
 Then we took pictures with props.
 Maggie was mad because Ella bopped her with that thick wand. Gee, imagine that being upsetting!
 Then we wrote with disappearing ink. Laurie and I wrote secret messages to the girls. I wrote, I love you. Laurie wrote, Welcome to Slytherin. Hmmmmm . . . .
 We also got sorted into Hogwarts' houses. We all got about 15 houses but my first one was Hufflepuff, which is very sad. It's the dumb house. The sorting hat describes each house and says, and then we put everyone else into Hufflepuff. Laurie said, Hufflepuff is loyal. To which I reminded her, so was Eichmann.

 The girls made mandrakes. Some kind of little plant thing.
 Laurie worked hard to make a house sorter paper thing. I don't know what you call these things.
 I got Gryffindor that time. I'll take it.
 Then we did Potions class. It was very cool. You had a little dish of milk. They added some food coloring and then when you put in dish soap everything moved around.
 Dumbledore and Moody ran the class.
 We also saw a show in the Planetarium. And "flew" over a Minecraft version of the places from Harry Potter's world.

 The girls were even more scared by this movie. Maggie and I are in the middle of book 5 but Ella stopped after book 2. We all tried to talk her into continuing so we can continue going to these events.

All in all, a great night. We were out late but it was so fun.

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