Wednesday, October 30, 2019



So, it turns out, the reason Ruby was a pain on Friday was because she was sick. I woke up at 7:52 am on Saturday and hadn't heard anything from Ruby. I panicked and ran into her room. She was awake, laying on her tummy, in the middle of her room. She looked up at me and said, I have the sick. I picked her up and took her into the living room and she told me, I coughed and the sick came out. I knew that meant she had thrown up. I told her if she had to throw up again to do into the toilet. And about five seconds later she was running for the toilet. She was sick all morning.

That evening we were supposed to go to a Halloween party at Nana and Gran's house. I decided if she was still sick after I saw a client, we would not go. And she was. I felt awful but we had to cancel. Maggie was irate. But I couldn't even let her go on her own because it was her Dad's weekend and I didn't know when he was coming. She started calling him trying to get an answer but it took several hours. During that time, Ruby was markedly better. She stopped throwing up and seemed fine. Finally, around 6 pm, their Dad came and got them. I went straight to bed (FORESHADOWING!!!!). I woke up for a few minutes and then went back to bed.


I cleaned a lot and cooked. I didn't have a ton of energy but I thought I was just still sleepy. I tried to work out and couldn't. Around 7 pm, my stomach really hurt. It was the first time I'd really tried to eat and I just couldn't. It finally dawned on me, oh sh!t I have a bug. The girls got home at 8 pm. I immediately put Ruby to bed and was puking right after. AND ALL NIGHT. Every 30 minutes to an hour. It was bad. Luckily (I guess), it wasn't affected by eating. So as soon as I finished, I would try to eat a few crackers and drink anything so I had something to throw up next time. Then about 15 minutes after, the intense nausea would start and then back to the bathroom. This went on for about 15 hours.


When it was time to take the girls to school, I knew I couldn't drive. I called Dad.

God bless my father. He dropped everything. Brought me tea and pepto bismal and took the girls to school. THANK YOU!!!! The rest of the day was less bad. The times extended but I couldn't really sleep. I just kind of laid there. Dad picked the girls up from school and took them to McDonald's. Again, THANK YOU! I was trying to eat soup and feeling better.


I actually was able to get up. I'd more or less slept through the night. I felt awful. That awful sick hangover. But I wasn't getting sick nearly as often so I knew I could take the girls to school. I got them ready with minimal screaming and we got in the car and. . . IT WOULDN'T START. I'm not going to lie, this was a bad moment. I didn't cry but I could have. I was so sick feeling I genuinely had no idea what to do. I just sat there for a while and then went back inside and called my poor father. He told me to call roadside assistance. Duh. So they came and jumped the car and I drove my children to school and straight to Firestone.

Oh my god, I felt awful. I literally could not stand. When I was at the counter and I had to lay on it. I must have looked drunk or something. It took forever and I just felt awful. My whole body hurt and I was dizzy and hazy and gross. It was awful. At one point, I texted Laurie and she said, go to sleep! I told her they frown on that at Firestone. She said, go to sleep at home when you're done. Then I remembered I had a home study due and I actually teared up. Like I said, it was a bad day.

I finally got my car done and I was starving. I wanted a burger so I stopped at Wendy's. Not surprisingly, I threw this up. But I finally was able to sleep for a little while, maybe an hour or two. When I woke up, I felt so much better. I cleaned some more and did some work. I went and got the girls. I told them I'd take them to McDonald's again because I just couldn't do much else. While we were there, somehow the subject of 9/11 came up and I actually cried explaining what happened to the fourth plane.

We got home and ate. I kept all of it down. I put Ruby to bed. Maggie wanted to read some of her baby books. All of this blog is in book form. She doesn't usually show much interest but she's wanted to read it lately. Which I love. We ready her full birth story.

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