Sunday, October 20, 2019


Maggie asked me to start having breakfast at her school once a week. So, on Friday, Ruby and I joined her for breakfast. Maggie was actually very sweet to Ruby and explained how to get her breakfast and how to go in line, etc. It was so nice to see.

Ruby has a black eye. Or, rather, just a little bruise under her eye. No one has any idea how it got there.

At home, yesterday, she started saying, bescuse me (excuse me). I asked her why and she told me her teacher told her to say bescuse me to her farts. Gah! That kid.

Maggie got this 3D printed thing for her birthday and I just saw it. Isn't it amazing?!?!

Friday, Maggie got out of school early. We were sitting around before our afternoon/evening plans and all four of Maggie's teachers showed up. They brought her a pumpkin and a note. Amazing!

We didn't do pumpkin carving last year (I don't remember why, but it was probably Ruby's fault). This year I wanted to make sure it got done so I scheduled a night to get pumpkins and carve them. I asked Laurie if her kids would be interested and she said yes. Gwen has been wanting to come over on a Friday evening to spend some time with us so I suggested this one. Laurie wanted to get dinner first so we met up at Uncle Julio's. The kids were extremely excited.

Next up, we went to the pumpkin patch. Perfect weather. Perfect sun. It was great. Although, as we were leaving, we saw two ladies leading PONIES up. So I guess it could have been a little more perfect. Maggie wanted the longest pumpkin I've even seen. She wanted to do the scream on there (Edvard Munch's The Scream). I assumed she wanted to draw it on; she wanted to carve it on. Foreshadowing!

After that, we came back to my house and started cleaning out pumpkin guts. It was messy and took forever. Uncle Jeff did Ruby's pumpkin because I, for some unknown and silly reason, got my own huge pumpkin. Laurie did Jill's pumpkin.

The babies mostly did their own thing and played. A little later I put on Ghostbusters and made popcorn. We let the kids have a couple of pieces of candy too. Aunt Gwen showed up and flew through making an amazing pumpkin. Turns out Aunt Gwen is a pumpkin master.

It took Maggie FOREVER to clean out her massive pumpkin (although this was the first year she ever actually helped with that part). Once she cleaned it out, she announced she wanted to carve the scream on to her pumpkin. I had no clue how to do that but Aunt Gwen to the rescue. Maggie made a drawing, which Gwen used to poke onto the pumpkin and then she lightly scraped out the lines so she could do all the details. 

Gwen did this after making her own super cute pumpkin. Gwen is a pumpkin ninja.

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