Monday, October 21, 2019

Busy fall weekend


There was a miscommunication with Arlene so she didn't get here until late and I didn't get home from my client until late. But I really wanted to run stairs at a local stadium so we went a little later than intended. I was afraid this would require trespassing but it was open. There weren't many people there so the girls just ran around the field and track and sometimes in the bleachers.

Running stairs was so hard. My legs! My calves! My heart! My lungs! In other words, it was great. After I finished, the girls complained about how hot and tired THEY were! I told them when we got home, we had to walk the dogs but they insisted they were too tired (from what?!?!). So I walked the dogs while they watched TV. Then we showered and got ready for Ella's birthday party.

Ella's party was at an Arlington Rec Center in a rock climbing room. We had so much fun. Jeff and I did lots of belaying. I quit after an hour but Jeff went the whole time. He wins at belaying!!! It really made me want to climb again. Maybe I'll take the big girls again.

The kids had cookie cake at the party but food was scheduled for after. So, all the kids went nuts after eating their cookies. I mean tears and out of control wrestling and running and gah! It got crazy.

Maggie slowed down a ton at the end and we got in the car she described basically a sugar crash. She was not feeling well. As soon as we got to Laurie's house, I fed her some nuts. It took a few minutes but that did the trick.

She went back and forth over whether she wanted to spend the night or not but in the end she stayed. And had a great time. Ella and Eden were crazy and loud and all over the place. Vera and Maggie were calm and quiet and reading and making bracelets. It worked out quite well.


Ruby got up early, of course. Laurie texted me around 8 am that the kids were up so we headed over. Laurie got donuts for the kids and Jeff made bacon, coffee, and candied ham. It was great. I feel like I've been eating nothing but crap forever. Bleh!

The kids played for a while but eventually we came home. We got tomato basil soup and sourdough bread for lunch/dinner. Perfect fall food. I set up a lamp and Ruby's new clock.

So, a couple of months ago, I finally bought a couple of chairs for the living room. The living room can be quite dark (on account of the wood paneling and covered patio that covers both windows). It has four recessed lights, one in each corner. So, we got the chairs and I started sitting in one corner and it was so dark. It was driving me crazy and finally I decided to but a lamp. I found a reasonable one and ordered it. After I ordered it, but before it had even arrived, I noticed the light in this corner is out. Wah wah! I replaced the light and now it's quite bright in this corner. I feel like the dowager in the first season of Downton Abbey when she keeps her face covered after they get electric lights because it's so bright. But no worries, because now I'll have a lamp too.

In the afternoon, I had a bit of a realization: our TV is always on. Ruby only occasionally watches but it's all Maggie does. So I bit the bullet and just turned it off. Maggie freaked out for about 30 minutes. She insisted she needed to go live elsewhere and she hated everything, etc. And then she suggested we all do a puzzle together. So we spent the rest of the day doing puzzles, playing games, and reading. It was great. She was even kind to Ruby.

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