Monday, June 8, 2020

Friday, Day 84 of Quarantine

Today is better. Everyone slept well. Maggie hasn't thrown up since yesterday morning so I'm considering her all better. I walked Sav and exercised but it felt HARD.

We cleaned up. Everything was a mess. Ruby has been a lot. Yesterday I realized it was quiet and went to find her. She was in the bath, which is fine, except she had put poor baby Buddy in there too. I've never seen such a wet cat. Poor old bud.
Then this morning she kept messing with my door and managed to knock the huge mirror off. Thank God it didn't break but I'm not sure what to do now.

I had to take Sav to the vet in the afternoon. Ugh it was awful. My kids acted like they have NEVER been in public. They were awful and Sav is such a spaz. I kept seeing fleas even after I treated her. What I realized in the appointment is that they weren't on Sav. They must have been in other places. Guess it's time to treat the house.

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