Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thursday, Day 104 of Quarantine

Shockingly, we've had days and days of record cases and the major hospitals in Houston are at capacity. What a waste. We could have shut this down, like Europe appears to have done and instead we're at a plateau. It makes me sick. We got a worse economic hit than Europe AND we have a worse outbreak.

Ruby figured out a new way to torture people on FB messenger. If she sends people stickers, it dings their phone like a text message. Uncle Jeff got 52 in a couple of minutes before he texted me and asked me to stop her. What a pain. I told her she couldn't do that and she said, I sent Uncle Jeff all those messages because I want to make him happy. She's so sweet and yet, a terrorist.

Savannah is ridiculous. I took her on a walk and she was doing her usual ridiculousness. A lady and a young boy were walking their little Chihuahua and Sav started freaking out. But this time she broke her leash. Not a thing I thought was possible. I mean, she actually broke her leash in two pieces. For a split second, we looked at each other and realized she was free and then she took off after them. I don't think she was trying to hurt the dog, just sniff. But everyone freaked out. The lady and kid were screaming and I finally got her and the poor little dog ran off. Eventually, the lady said her dog wasn't hurt, just scared. I felt awful. I can't imagine how scary that was for that poor kid. I came home and bought her a new heavy duty gentle lead. I put her heavy duty harness back on her. Once I get the lead, I'll have her wear that and put a heavy duty leash, wrapped around my waist, attached to her harness. That way, even if she breaks another lead, she can't get loose. What a pain this dog is.

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