Monday, June 22, 2020

Sunday, Day 100 of Quarantine

100 days! And cases are going up! Exciting stuff. Or, you know, terrifying.

I had been having fairly extreme lightheadedness and dizzy spells that would occasionally bring me to my knees. Thankfully, I mentioned it to Laurie, and she reminded me about my iron levels. I never had any issue with iron before I was pregnant with Ruby. I gave blood regularly my whole adult life and never once failed the iron test. When I was pregnant with Ruby, I showed up for an appointment and my midwife immediately said, you are green, we need to test your iron. I didn't think I looked green but she was adamant. I failed the iron test spectacularly. She told me to go immediately and buy an iron supplement. The next week, I felt so much better, but still failed the iron test. She said to keep trying to eat iron-rich foods so I ate a bowl of Raisin Bran every day for the rest of my pregnancy, in addition to the supplement, and still could not pass an iron test. So, I had Ruby and it seemed better. Last year I went a few times to try to donate blood and every time I failed the iron test. And yet, somehow, I still didn't connect my symptoms with low iron. Annoying! I took an iron supplement yesterday in the morning and I definitely feel better.

Maggie couldn't sleep last night. She was scared. She admitted this morning she had watched somewhat scary videos on youtube. I about killed her. She kept asking me to read to her and talk to her and NO! Ruby already doesn't sleep, she's not allowed to wake me up.

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