Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wednesday, Day 82 of Quarantine

I got up and got to it today. Yesterday was nice and slow but too many of those and it's not so fun. I got up and took Sav on a walk. Then I ran on the treadmill. Then I forced my poor children to participate in a death march! Or, you know, we took a walk.

After that, we did some cleaning and I turned off screens. After I worked for a while, we watched Tremors. It was so good. Maggie enjoyed it too. Ruby didn't really pay any attention.

Ruby made a map so she could go get her friend/boyfriend Isaiah and bring him here to "take a sleepover." She's so dang cute.

Sav woke her up and I about killed Sav. Maggie and I read HP and her book, as she calls it (the book of this blog).

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