Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, Day 108 of Quarantine

Ruby woke up a few times in the night. I went in the first time but not after that. Oh, well.

I realized I had a big ass paper due TODAY. So, that was fun. The professor didn't have the full syllabus done at the beginning of class (it was a syllabus from his spring class) so I had put down only a partial list of assignments. I didn't realize it until I just happened to see the assignment on my calendar. Now I know. I'll still probably put off everything until the last minute because that's just how I roll.

We swam at Laurie and Jeff's. I've decided to try to keep Ruby out later. Last week, I heard her in her room playing for a while after I'd put her to bed. We stayed until about 7 pm and she was in bed by 7:30 pm.

Luna Lovegood, foster kitten, is doing well. She's so cute. Well, maybe not cute currently. Currently, she looks kinda like a rat. But someday she'll be quite beautiful, I think.

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