Thursday, June 11, 2020

Wednesday, Day 89 of Quarantine

The days really run together. We do basically the same thing every day. Ruby now gets up on her own. I try to leave out the remote so she can watch TV or play on her kindle. She can get food. She still has water.

I get up around 7:30 or 8 and drink coffee. Then I exercise. Ruby sometimes ecker-sizes with me. After my workout, I take Sav on a walk. We're a show for the neighborhood. Sav is so much better but she's still ridiculous. That scream and leaping in the air. I just apologize and keep going. No one has gotten angry or been rude about it.

When I get home, I do yoga. Then shower. Then turn off all screens. The girls usually want to eat and I do too.

We just kinda hang out. The girls find ways to entertain themselves while I work. I still have CKBH and I check in with my school. I have grad school. Although school is a mess right now. Somehow, at the height of Covid crap, I missed an email that I needed to have applied for my internship by April. So now I can't do my internship in the summer and it's going to mess up my whole schedule. I'll probably have to take a whole extra semester. What a pain!

We watch a movie usually. Today, we watched Part 1 of the Sesame Street/CNN town hall on Black Lives Matter. This is above Ruby's head, although she can learn a bit. It's kind of like sex. I'm not going to have a sex talk with my kids. I'm going to have an ongoing conversation with them. Ruby knows a little, Maggie knows a little more. And I'll keep teaching and explaining as they age and need to know. We need to take the same approach to race. My kids will understand. The town hall is a good place to start but it's just the beginning.

We swim at Laurie's house from 4-6:30 (Monday through Thursday) or 3-6:30 (Friday through Sunday). This has helped my girls so much. The exercise, the time with other kids, the outdoors. They needed this. I love being able to talk to grown-ups.

Then we come home. I put Ruby straight to bed. Maggie has some screen time. Then we read together and talk for a while.

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