Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday, Day 99 of Quarantine

Guess who got up around 4 or 5 am and hurricaned the house???

 She pulled almost every game out of the game cabinet (she can open the child-proof locks now) and just dumped everything out.
 See all those piles??? That's cocoa powder. I don't even know where it came from. No! Mom and Mark gave us some. She tried to dump it in her cups there so it's everywhere. See Battleship with no little pegs? Just wait.
 Oh there they are, under the table. That's the money and houses box for Monopoly. EMPTY!!! My steam mop. She used scissors to open that bag of cereal.
Oh and look more piles of cocoa.

Ruby is a natural disaster. Have you ever seen a kid like this???

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