Sunday, October 9, 2022

Week in the Life: Day 1

 I was going back over old posts and I remembered I used to occasionally do this, so! Here goes. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was supposed to be a full day full of stuff to do. The first thing was a dentist appointment for me. But then he was like oh you have a thing and it needs a crown or something. Either way, it took hours and my face and jaw and gums are so sore. So, after hours of being at the stupid dentist, Ruby and I came home and I took a ton of Ibuprofen and went to sleep. After that, I was able to get stuff done. We even had our movie night. I made the girls Uncle Jeff's famous nachos and we watched Hocus Pocus 2. It was so good and we had a great time. Someone called the Sanderson sisters "gothic Golden Girls," and I laughed so hard I spit food at Maggie. 

Ok, today. I woke up at 5ish and did my morning routine. That's brush teeth, put on exercise clothes, warm up, strength circuit, run sprints, yoga, meditate. Then I got together laundry. While I was doing that, Ruby got up. She wanted her ipad but I've set it up so it's only on a few hours a day (same as Maggie). Their Dad got Maggie a new ipad for her birthday so Ruby got the old one. She's a big fan. Ruby was sad she couldn't play on her ipad. Also, she would like to take it to Jilli's birthday party, which no. 

I went to go pick up groceries and they just never came out. Very annoying and made us late to Jilli's birthday party. We drove to the park and were there for the second half. I cannot believe the babies are seven. After the party, we came back home and just hung out. 

I convinced Ruby to try sourdough toast with butter and jelly and, completely unsurprisingly, she loved it. Who could have known???

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