Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Week in the Life: Day 3

 I had another dentist appointment. They wanted to do a deep cleaning and they can only do one half of the mouth at a time so I have to go back to get the other half done in November. This appointment sucked too! I had to get shots all in my mouth again and it freaking hurt. I guess not going to the dentist since before Covid was not a good idea. 

Maggie had to get her Covid booster. I told her, after she got her shot, we would go to the grocery store and she could pick up some snacks. She was still ridiculous and I had to just hold her in place. I don't understand the fear of needles. I've tried to talk to her about breathing exercises and visualization so she's not panicky but she doesn't want to. 

We haven't really done anything today. 

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