Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

Day 3 of Potty Training Boot Camp

Accidents: 5-6
Successes: 0 but mixed

She's started telling me she needs to go potty, which to me seems like major progress. The only problem is that she still isn't going potty in the actual potty. On we go. . .

In other news, Maggie does this really cute thing when I come to get her out of her crib. I'll say, "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" So she'll lay down really quick and put her head down. It is oh, so cute.

We're also working on having Maggie feed herself with a spoon. Well, kind of. Basically in the same kind-of way I've been teaching her for months. I don't like big messes and this is really messy. Still she is improving, I just need to give her more practice.

Maggie has decided recently she doesn't like staying at the gym daycare. It's pretty awful. Today as soon as she realized where we were (before we even got inside) she started crying and saying, "Ready to go bye-bye. Okay?" It was pretty bad. I try to be really calm and upbeat and just hand her over but oh my God, it's freaking awful.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

Day 2 of Potty Training Boot Camp

Accidents: 4
Successes: 0

Hmmm. . . this is even less fun than I thought. Considering we had 9 or 10 accidents yesterday I can only guess she's holding it. I just keep thinking why not potty train at 7.

Maggie threw a huge temper tantrum today. She hit me for the first time ever. She hit me in the chest and on top of my head and pulled my hair. Wow. Honestly I'm not sure what that's about. I think she was completely off schedule today, which of course is my fault. What a day.

On the bright side, she took a drink from her sippy cup this morning and when she stopped drinking it made a funny noise and she asked what's that. Before I could answer she answered Mommy tooted. So funny.

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010

Day 1 of Potty Training

Yikes! Maggie is in panties and her bloomers. I am scared.

1pm: We've had 3 accidents and 2 diapers (we're not potty training while out of the house or while sleeping). Yikes!

Ok, we went through nine pairs of underwear. She wore 3 diapers (1 for when we went out, 2 during very short naps). She peed in the potty once after she started peeing on the floor.

I'm starting to get why they call this boot camp. Good Lord!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010

So far, so good. Maggie woke up a little early but only by about 30 minutes or so. She seems great. Running around, playing, eating. Woo hoo!

Yes definitely feeling better. She's been great all day. Well, she has been but unfortunately I have been a big grumpapotamus. I'm just so worn out from yesterday plus she woke up at 7.30 which isn't horrible. I'm just worn out.

She's been so sweet today; giving kissed and telling everyone she loves them. Maybe she's feeling extra better.

It's so nice to have my baby girl back. Next challenge: potty training.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010

We had a fantastic day today. Maggie's still a little stuffy and coughing but it's definitely more like allergy crap than anything else. She's been in a good mood and eating a lot and running around and playing.

This morning she got up on time (she's been waking up early). We played and ate until I had to go to a workout class. Then she hung out with Daddy. I told him to put her down for a nap but when I was walking in the door later I heard her scream, "Mommy." No nap for Maggie.

We went out to Paradise today to see Jan, Dennis and Amanda. Oh it was blissful. We swam in the hot sun all afternoon. So nice and refreshing.

Maggie took a pretty good nap in the mid afternoon. When Dennis got her (he heard her yelling), he asked her if she had any poops or pees and she said no. The problem is that's her answer for everything. When I took her, I just assumed that he'd actually physically checked. So I started stripping her to put her back into her bathing suit. Yeah, yuck.

She didn't sleep on the way home, just mostly whined. I could tell she was exhausted. When we got home I asked her if she was hungry (this is one of the few exceptions to the no rule; if she's hungry she'll usually say so) and she said no. So I start to get her ready for bed and she tells me she's hungry. What a stinker pot.

Anyway, she passed out immediately and is sleeping like a rock. My sweet little baby.

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Why is she still so sick?????

Maggie woke up this morning at 6:30 with a super runny nose. I fed her, suctioned her nose and gave her her allergy medicine that I forgot (WTF????) to give her last night. Did that cause this? She seems like she feels alright but she can't breathe and she's still coughing. I feel so sorry for her.

We were going to go to the Science museum again but about 1/3 of the way there suddenly the sky in front of us was black. About a mile later a freaking monsoon was coming down. It was crazy. I called my Dad and asked what was going on and how bad it was. He said it was really nasty and it was only going to get worse. It took about 15 minutes to get the 2 miles to an exit so I could turn around.

Maggie definitely seems like she feels better today. She's been somewhat fussy but mostly fine. She's been very bratty, doing what she knows she's not supposed to do. I guess those terrible 2s will be for everyone to enjoy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

Our third tumbling class wasn't quite as successful.

Maggie woke up early and I, for whatever odd but wonderful reason, just hopped out of bed, got dressed and went and got her. She ate and then took a nap. I woke her up right before her class and I guess she wasn't finished sleeping cos she was fussy during class.

She wouldn't do most of the activities. Although she did still do a lot. AND she held the bar with both hands. The first class she wouldn't touch it. The second class, she held on to me with one hand and the bar with one hand. Today she held the bar with both hands, twice. How cool is that? I'm so proud of my little monkey.

My Mom canceled on me so Maggie's going to Grandpa and Grandmo's today so Mommy can run errands without a toddler in tow. I try to pack in these days to get as much done as possible. It's unbelievable how much a 22 pound kiddo slows you down.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010

Still whiny! Today was definitely food again. "Are you hungry? Are you hungry?" My poor little baby. Once I fed her she simmered down. Must keep shoveling food into her mouth.

We went to the science museum for a couple of hours this afternoon. As we were leaving she was wiggling around. So I put her down and just held her hand. She walked by me the whole way to the car. Um, where's my little baby?

But she made up for it by being super whiny after her afternoon nap. What is wrong with her? Why can't she get better? This is making me crazy. This isn't my little girl and she obviously feels like crap. I don't understand. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing and she's still not well. I just want her to feel better and not be so sad.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Last night when I was going to bed I noticed I had a missed call from Richard. I checked the message and it was Maggie (with Richard in the background, coaching) telling me she loved me and missed me. What a great surprise!

She was still awake when I got home from my exercise class so I went ahead and gave her her medicine: steroids and allergy medicine. I thought she'd sleep so well but instead she woke up 2 or 3 times. Both times begging for food. I'm guessing that's the roids. Ha! She also woke up a little early with a big poo poo. I'm guessing this is all connected.

On Friday or Saturday night, Maggie would not go to sleep. I couldn't figure it out. She'd had a big dinner. She'd almost fallen asleep during our night time routine and I'd already checked on her once. Still nothing. Finally after about an hour, I decided to go check on her again. But first I went to the bathroom, so Richard went in first. I heard him laughing. I went in and Maggie was standing in her crib with her night gown on. Nothing funny.

Then I noticed poop. On the floor. Next to her diaper. Richard lifted her nightgown to reveal a naked tushy. Wow. She did it again last night. Thankfully no poop. So I decided to put her in pants so she couldn't get to her diaper. What a stinker pot.

Also I haven't started potty training yet. It occurred to me that pretty much everything you read about potty training warns not to start when something else big is going on, like say being sick. So we'll wait for this to clear up before we start.

This morning we were sitting together in the living room. I had my water bottle sitting on the coffee table. I got up and came in the office to do something on the computer and Maggie came a couple of seconds later. I turned around to greet her and she was holding my water bottle. "Here Mama," she said. So stinkin' sweet.

But good Lord has she been whiny this afternoon. Whiny! I think the steroids are mainly to blame. Actually I think she's starving and any delay is causing meltdowns. So I guess if I want to sidestep anymore whining I better hurry up with the food!

Holy cow! She was crazy this evening. Like super hyper active. Now I don't feel so great. So that might be part of the problem. But she was all over the place, in everything and just very, very hyper. Which isn't like her. Lord, please let it be the steroids.

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

Maggie had another bad day. I'm pretty sure she's coming down with croup again. Starting last night she started having that barking cough again. I called her doctor and left a message for the nurse. Luckily, when I actually talked to the nurse, Maggie was coughing in the background so the nurse had me bring her in.

She looked alright but not too great. They decided to put her on another couple of days of steroids to try and clear it up. Also, I asked about allergy medicine. It turns out it's over the counter. I just walked in Walgreen's and bought it. Crazy.

Maggie was quite whiny and clingy today, which isn't so bad. It's nice cuddling and holding her a lot. I try to remember that it won't be too long until I can't hold her anymore and she won't cuddle anymore. God, that's a scary thought. My baby is turning into a kid.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

We had our second tumbling class today. Maggie did so much better this time. And she seemed like she had even more fun. She did all the activities and courses. It truly is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Monday we had her first art class. She did really well there too. Well, not as well as she could have. The class started at 5pm and was about 2 miles from our house. So I thought, Oh we'll just walk there. In summer. In Texas. At 4pm. So by the time we got there we were both soaking wet with sweat and just out of it. Other than that it was great. She made a coaster for Father's Day. She/we painted a little wooden block and then put her handprint on it. Then she added a butterfly sticker.

She also drank out of a water fountain for the first time. I wasn't sure how she'd feel about that but she really liked it. She kept asking for more. It was quite cute.

What else have we done this week? Oh, yes we did start potty training. I'm just putting her on her potty a few times a day and having her sit there for a couple of minutes. So far, nothing's happened. But I have no idea how long this process takes. It's not quite as scary but still it feels like such a big deal.

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

Well Maggie's still super hungry but she did sleep until 7 am this morning. This afternoon I was making cookies and Maggie kept asking for cheese. I thought she was going through it really quickly but I was working so I just kept handing her cheese. Finally I turned around and saw her put almost an entire cheese stick in the trash can. I went and opened the lid and there were 3 or 4 almost full string cheese sticks in there. What a stinker pot.

We went to a birthday dinner tonight for Maureen, Gwen and my birthdays. Laurie, Jeff and Dad were also there. She was a pretty good girl. She did choke like a million times. I know it's the only way she can learn to chew better and eat slower and all that jazz but I swear to God it takes years off my life every frickin' time. She choked one time and I thought Laurie was going to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Very scary.

I think she must have been really tired because she became quite fussy, which is very unlike her. She only wanted Mommy, which is usually another sign she is tired. But despite that she was still pretty good. I am so lucky to have such a good sweet baby. I wonder if my next one is a raging terror if I'll still want a lot of kids.

I'm planning on starting potty training next week. I'm going to do some research online this weekend. I am so freaking nervous. I know it'll be fine but it feels like such a big thing to teach her. I'm sure there is not that much too it but I'm really scared. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010

What a day. Maggie is all better. And quite hungry. She woke up at 5am today and wanted to eat. I fed her and put her back to bed. She was up again at 7:30, wanting to eat. She's eaten like 10 times today and eaten a lot each time. I guess she's making up for lost time.

We had her first tumbling class today. It was so fun. It's through the city and was quite cheap so I thought it would consist of like a couple of mats and a bunch of kids running around. Not quite. It was very organized and they had the kids actually do stuff. First they stretched and warmed up. Then they did various activities back and forth across the big mat (jumping, bear crawling, etc.). Then an obstacle course. Then they were held on the bars and she touched their toes to the bars. Then they went across the balance beam. Then they did any combination of the previous things until class was over.

Maggie did surprisingly well. At first I was shocked how involved the class was and I didn't think she'd be able to do any of it. And there was a lot she couldn't do. Or rather, a lot she didn't understand (although she can't jump). But there was a lot that she could do and, more importantly, would do. She learned to do a forward roll, with major Mommy assistance. She did the obstacle course twice. She was so good. And she had so much fun.

The thing that made me feel the most good about the whole thing was after a few minutes you could really tell the difference between the kids that had taken the class before and the ones who hadn't. Which means that she'll be able to do all the stuff, it'll just take time.

After her class, she ate again. That would have been at about 10:15am and the 3rd or 4th time of the day. Wow.

We played in the afternoon. And she was so silly. I feel like her personality is really coming out all of the sudden. Like pinching noses and making almost-sort-of jokes. She wanted to go into my room so I took and we laid on the bed. Then she asked me to read a story. So I started reading and she was jumping around. So I turned and said I thought you wanted me to read you a story, but I said it in a silly voice. So she laid down real fast and made a fake calm face. It was so funny.

My baby is totally turning into a little girl. And although part of me is a little sad about it, I mostly love it. She is so much fun. I am the luckiest lady alive.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Wow, today was interesting. Maggie is almost better. I feel for her. She has a lingering cough and it's not the kind where you need to cough something up. It's the kind where you are just coughing. That seal bark-type cough that makes your head, your throat, even your face hurt. So I know she doesn't feel so hot.

But good Lord has she been whiny today. Very, very whiny. While we went to a doctor appointment (for me), she was rubbing her eyes, staring off into space, all the classic signs of a sleepy baby. When we got home she asked for cheese, which I gladly gave her and put her to bed. She spent the next 45 minutes just fussing, refusing to sleep. Never really crying, just whining. I was trying to be strong, to get her back into the habit of taking an afternoon nap but good Lord.

So I go get her and she's hungry. She ate like a freaking horse today. Seriously she ate like 5 or 6 full meals. So I feed her again and we start playing. Then I decide to clean for a few minutes before we go outside. I get out the vacuum and Maggie is terrified of it, unless I hold her while I do it. I guess we either only vacuum when she's sleeping (usually) or Richard is doing it and I take her to the other room. She just stood there and screamed and cried. So I'd turn it off and go get her but she was still scared. I guess I need to keep vacuuming in her presence.

So after I finish, she's just standing there with red eyes, staring off into space. So I grab her and put her back to bed. She screams once and passes out. Victory!

For about 10 minutes. I can't do the crying out thing again so I immediately go get her. This time I let her watch TV. She was still super whiny but it was much better. We watched the end of Up. We've been watching it since she was diagnosed with croup. It was so cute. What a great kid movie. She actually laughed during it. I wonder what is was that she found funny. It was so cute I just laughed with her. Actually the whole thing was nice. I held her in my lap while she watched and we cuddled. All in all, a pretty good day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Today was a much better day. Maggie is feeling so much better. I only gave her Tylenol a couple of times and other than that she was bright and sunny and perfect. As soon as I went and got her this morning, she seemed like her old self. Happy, energetic, smiling.

She took two morning naps back to back (this bug has made her quite tired). Then we went to the grocery store and she was perfectly good.

We played in the backyard for a little while and that was nice. It's a gorgeous sunny day and quite hot. But we have lots of shade in our backyard, so it was nice.

This afternoon she was very whiny. She wanted her Daddy so bad. She kept asking me, go get Daddy? I called him and let her talk to him but she kept crying. So Richard left work to come see her. They are laying down in our room now.

Maggie plays this game where she holds both of my hands and claps them together. She thinks it's so funny. I love watching her laugh while she does it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

Maggie is sick and it sucks. This is definitely the sickest she's ever been. She has croup and she has been crying and whining nonstop for the past two days. And while it is annoying, mostly it just stinks that she feels so bad and there is nothing I can do to help her feel better.

Today we looked for freckles on Mommy, which she loves to do. I have one on the palm of my hand that she always notices if she sees my palm and has to touch. Then I show her other freckles.

The one good thing about her being sick is how much she'll let me hold her and cuddle her. I put her on my lap and she lays her head on my chest and it's just amazing. I love her so much.