Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

Day 2 of Potty Training Boot Camp

Accidents: 4
Successes: 0

Hmmm. . . this is even less fun than I thought. Considering we had 9 or 10 accidents yesterday I can only guess she's holding it. I just keep thinking why not potty train at 7.

Maggie threw a huge temper tantrum today. She hit me for the first time ever. She hit me in the chest and on top of my head and pulled my hair. Wow. Honestly I'm not sure what that's about. I think she was completely off schedule today, which of course is my fault. What a day.

On the bright side, she took a drink from her sippy cup this morning and when she stopped drinking it made a funny noise and she asked what's that. Before I could answer she answered Mommy tooted. So funny.

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