Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Last night when I was going to bed I noticed I had a missed call from Richard. I checked the message and it was Maggie (with Richard in the background, coaching) telling me she loved me and missed me. What a great surprise!

She was still awake when I got home from my exercise class so I went ahead and gave her her medicine: steroids and allergy medicine. I thought she'd sleep so well but instead she woke up 2 or 3 times. Both times begging for food. I'm guessing that's the roids. Ha! She also woke up a little early with a big poo poo. I'm guessing this is all connected.

On Friday or Saturday night, Maggie would not go to sleep. I couldn't figure it out. She'd had a big dinner. She'd almost fallen asleep during our night time routine and I'd already checked on her once. Still nothing. Finally after about an hour, I decided to go check on her again. But first I went to the bathroom, so Richard went in first. I heard him laughing. I went in and Maggie was standing in her crib with her night gown on. Nothing funny.

Then I noticed poop. On the floor. Next to her diaper. Richard lifted her nightgown to reveal a naked tushy. Wow. She did it again last night. Thankfully no poop. So I decided to put her in pants so she couldn't get to her diaper. What a stinker pot.

Also I haven't started potty training yet. It occurred to me that pretty much everything you read about potty training warns not to start when something else big is going on, like say being sick. So we'll wait for this to clear up before we start.

This morning we were sitting together in the living room. I had my water bottle sitting on the coffee table. I got up and came in the office to do something on the computer and Maggie came a couple of seconds later. I turned around to greet her and she was holding my water bottle. "Here Mama," she said. So stinkin' sweet.

But good Lord has she been whiny this afternoon. Whiny! I think the steroids are mainly to blame. Actually I think she's starving and any delay is causing meltdowns. So I guess if I want to sidestep anymore whining I better hurry up with the food!

Holy cow! She was crazy this evening. Like super hyper active. Now I don't feel so great. So that might be part of the problem. But she was all over the place, in everything and just very, very hyper. Which isn't like her. Lord, please let it be the steroids.

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